Definition of Down low

1. Noun. secrecy ¹

2. Noun. (context: sexuality) the state of being a man who secretly sleeps with people other than his partner ¹

3. Noun. (context: sexuality) the state of being a man who secretly sleeps with other men ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Down Low

down antiquarks
down at heel
down at the heel
down at the heels
down bow
down bows
down bubble
down cellar
down feather
down for the count
down in the dumps
down in the heel
down in the heels
down in the mouth
down line
down on one's luck
down pat
down pat(p)
down payment
down payments
down promoter mutation
down quark
down quarks
down start
down style
down syndrome
down tack
down the banks
down the drain

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